Switoo: The Game Boy-Inspired Concept Console We Wish Nintendo Would Make

Introducing the Switoo, a modular design concept

Switoo: The Game Boy-Inspired Concept Console We Wish Nintendo Would Make
Would you buy a modular Gameboy?

When Nintendo released the Switch back in 2017, it quickly became a cultural phenomenon.

It still is to some degree, but it's internals (much like my own) are ageing.

The hybrid console, with its unique ability to "switch" between handheld and docked mode, carved out a new niche in gaming.

But as with all tech, time and innovation wait for no one.

Enter the Nintendo 'Switoo'—a fan-made concept from the creative minds at Carota Design that reimagines the gaming experience, blending the nostalgia of the Game Boy with the modern versatility of the Switch.

A Retro Revolution

The Switoo is a love letter to nostalgic gamers.

Its vertical form factor instantly recalls memories of the classic Game Boy—those endless hours squinting at a pixelated green screen under dubious lighting conditions.

It's a popular form factor for budget entry handhelds as well, such as the Anbernic RG35XX.

But don’t be fooled by its retro charm.

The Switoo is anything but a simple throwback. It’s a thoughtful fusion of the past and the future, wrapped in a contemporary package that’s as much a work of art as it is a gaming device.

The console’s core idea is as simple as it is brilliant: modular, swappable controls. This isn’t just about detachable Joy-Cons; it's about reinventing how we think about game controllers.

Imagine snapping off your standard D-pad and action button combo to replace it with a steering wheel and pedal setup for the latest racing game.

It’s a choose-your-own-adventure in hardware form, tailor-made for the unique preferences of each gamer.

Modular Magic

In many ways, the Switoo’s modular concept feels like the spiritual successor to projects like PhoneBloks and Google’s Project Ara—projects that promised a modular future where we could customise our gadgets to our heart’s content.

Unfortunately, Google killed off Project Ara in 2016, but the Switoo’s appeal is hard to ignore.

By focusing on the most tactile part of the gaming experience—the controllers—Carota Design has hit on an idea that is both innovative and practical.

These tiny, swappable Joy-Cons are the crown jewel of the Switoo. Unlike their older, more cumbersome Switch cousins, they are designed to be small and efficient.

This is where Carota Design’s brilliance shines: the Switoo’s controls snap into place using a physical connection, ensuring that you won’t experience the lag or battery drain issues that wireless controllers sometimes suffer from.

The downside? No wireless freedom. The upside? Consistent, reliable control with no annoying mid-game disconnections.

Design That Dazzles

Visually, the Switoo is a treat.

A near edge-to-edge square display dominates the front, a nod to the bezel-less trends of modern smartphones.

The device itself boasts a sleek machined metal body and a transparent back that gives a peek into the tech within, reminiscent of the see-through electronics craze of the ’90s and early 2000s.

It’s a clever design choice that simultaneously grounds the Switoo in nostalgia while shouting out its modernity.

Ergonomically, the Switoo promises comfort with its thicker base and stepped design, which naturally places the trigger buttons within easy reach.

For anyone who has spent a marathon gaming session cramping their hands around a conventional controller, this thoughtful touch is more than welcome.

Wishful Thinking?

All this sounds great, doesn’t it? A Game Boy-inspired Nintendo Switch with swappable controllers that you can configure on the fly—what’s not to love?

Well, the catch, unfortunately, is that the Switoo is a concept, not a product you can buy. Yet. The gaming community’s response to such innovations could very well inspire Nintendo to take note, though it’s always a gamble whether fan concepts influence actual product development.

For now, we can only admire the Switoo from afar, a tantalising glimpse at what the future of handheld gaming could be.

Nintendo has a long history of surprising us with innovative designs and unexpected twists. If the Switoo—or something like it—were to become a reality, it would be more than just another console.

It would be a symbol of the enduring appeal of the Game Boy era, meeting the versatility and excitement of the Switch.

The Switoo concept captures the imagination by perfectly balancing the familiar with the novel. It’s a console that respects its roots while daring to venture into new territories.

In a world where gaming consoles often feel like they’re taking incremental steps forward, the Switoo feels like a bold leap. Here’s hoping that leap becomes a reality.

Until then, we’ll just have to keep dreaming—and maybe dust off our old Game Boys for one more round of Tetris.