Making a Splash: Sony's Audacious Waterproof Walkman Marketing

Sony's 2014 stunt sold waterproof Walkmans in water bottles, surprising gym-goers and making waves in marketing circles

Making a Splash: Sony's Audacious Waterproof Walkman Marketing

Cast your mind back to 2014, when selfie sticks were all the rage and Flappy Bird had us tearing our hair out. Amidst all that, Sony pulled off one of the quirkiest marketing stunts we'd seen in a long time.

Picture this: You're in a New Zealand gym, parched after a workout, and you spot a vending machine. But wait, what's that between the lurid sports drinks? A Sony Walkman... in a bottle of water?

The Bottled Walkman In Vending Machines
I'm not sure I'd drink that... Source: Sony

Yep, Sony decided the best way to flog their waterproof Walkman was to literally submerge it. Dubbed "The Bottled Walkman", this bonkers promotion saw Sony's gadget swimming alongside your typical vending machine fare.

Marketing Genius

It was a clever move, really.

Agency Draftfcb and Sony devised a clever plan: submerge Walkmans in water bottles and stock them in vending machines at New Zealand pools and gyms. This unexpected placement put the waterproof devices right where their target audience would find them, creating a memorable impact.

Sony Sells Waterproof MP3 Player Submerged in Bottle of Water | IBTimes UK
These earphones were part of the W-series range. Source: Sony

Of course, it sparked a fair bit of banter.

Some hailed it as a marketing genius, while others found the stunt humorous, dubbing it "DaSony" water. But let's be honest, who'd want to neck a bottle of water that's had a Walkman bobbing about in it for weeks?

Looking back, it's a cracking example of how tech companies were trying to stand out in an increasingly crowded market.

Sony's bottled Walkman might not have changed the world, but it certainly made a splash in the marketing pool. It's almost enough to make you nostalgic for the days when dunking electronics in water was considered groundbreaking.
